
13 Dec 2013

Idris Elba Nominated for Golden Globe Award for His Act as Nelson Mandela (PHOTOS)

New York Premiere of "MANDELA: LONG WALK TO FREEDOM" hosted by TWC, Yucaipa Films and Videovision Entertainment, supported by Mercedes-Benz, South African Airways and DeLeon Tequila

Idris Elba was nominated for Best Actor at the upcoming Golden Globe Awards for his roles as Mandela in the movie ‘Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom’.

Another star actor, the U.K.-based Chiwetel Ejiofor got his Best Actor nomination for his role as Solomon Northup in the movie ‘12 Years A Slave’. Chiwetel also got a SAG Awards nomination.
chiwetel_ejiofor golden_globe_nomenees

The two actors are up against

Tom Hanks – Captain Phillips,

Matthew McConaughey – Dallas Buyers Club,

Robert Redford – All is Lost.

Who do you think deserves to win?

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