
13 Dec 2013

Man Killed By Police, 6 Months After Wedding

Mr & Mrs Akangbou 

A friend, Chika, lost her husband  yesterday (11- 12- 13) after he was accidentally shot by police in Port-Harcourt. 
Some of his colleagues went to buy diesel for the office generator.(Lunberg Services Ltd behind Coca Cola in Port harcourt  Trans-Amadi) as they were bringing the diesel jerry cans into the office premises, some JTF police men trailed them from the filling station to the office premises. JTF policemen began harassing the guys who bought the diesel in Jerry cans. Donbraye Akangbou one of the high ranking employees on site came out of the office to mediate on the issue at hand. 
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After he tried to explain to the officers without luck. One of the police officers got impatient because he thought they were not going to grease his palms with money. He wanted to use the head of his gun to hit one of the employees, instead the gun went off and shot Donbraye in the stomach at close range. He was rushed to  BMH A & E, and as usual the hospital delayed to treat him because it was a gun shot wound and they needed a police report. Donbraye died an hour later.
He got married on the 25th of June 2013 and his wife is three months pregnant! What has the Nigerian police degenerated to? Will the officer ever be able to pay for the harm, hurt he has caused these families?
Rest in peace Donbraye! 

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