
6 Dec 2013

Only 4,500 Tickets Sold At 19,000 Seat Arena; Kanye West Losing More Fans Daily.

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Good Music rapper, Kanye West crowned himself as one of the most successful artistes of his generation; Kanye even claimed that him and his baby mama, Kim are more influential than Barack Obama; now we can see how false the statement is.

According to reports from the Kansas City Star, only 4,500 fans bought tickets to watch his show at 19,000 seat Sprint Centre Arena in Kansas on Tuesday December 3rd.

This is how the Kansas City Star reports it: -
“Kanye almost certainly could have filled the Sprint Center 5 years ago. Tuesday’s poor attendance indicates how his scandalous love life, frequent impolite pronouncements and his gradual shift away from conventional hip-hop have alienated many of his fans.’

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