
27 Nov 2013

Wife Changes Sign on Bar to Inform Husband She is Divorcing Him

An angry wife made her cheating husband splutter over his pint after persuading a bar owner to change their shop sign to: “Paul…I am divorcing you.”
The scorned woman was determined to name and shame her partner after discovering his infidelity.
And she managed to talk the landlord at nightspot Noah’s Yard into installing the large message to be read by anyone walking past the venue.
The fuming wife then changed the sign to ‘Btw {By the way}, I am keeping the dog.”
The cafe and bar in Swansea, South Wales, has a magnetic shop sign which can change its lettering to support local causes and sports teams.
The unnamed woman, a regular at Noah’s Yard, said: “I was angry and upset so wanted a sign to go up for everyone to see.
“When I found out I went through a mixture of emotions but felt angry and wanted him to pay.
“I had a drink in the bar last week and decided to get my own back.
“We have been together for years and it is so sad it has come to this. I am absolutely devastated and going through a really tough time at the moment.
“I did feel a bit better once the sign went up. I wanted to name and shame him.”

Owner Noah Redfern, 36, said this was the first time they had been asked to end a marriage – and insisted it was genuine.
Noah said: “Maybe this will become a new way of asking for a divorce!
“We have had a lot of interest in it from customers who have been asking about the story behind the sign.”
Local resident Linda Davies said: “Good on her. If my husband ever cheated on me then I would string him up by his privates.
“Maybe he thought he could get away with sleeping around but I bet he is regretting it now.”

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