Francis Agoda known as igodye is now a United nation Millennium
development goal Ambassador. This honour is in recognition and mandate
to continue to facilitate the realisation of the United nations (MDGs)
This Initiative is a Global recognition to individuals who have
championed and enhanced through their work the overall development of
humanity, based on selfless services, creativity and compassion towards
human development.
This mandate however strengthens the desire of the Ace comedian igodye
who is committed to being philanthropic and also advocating a
non-violent approach to youth in Africa, inspiring youths and advocating
for good leadership towards the eradicating poverty.According to Igodye
“I feel honoured with this honour, but it will be more gratifying to
me, when I will see that our leaders create opportunities for youths to
be gainfully employed. Because as at today, millions of Africans are
suffering, and faced with uncertainty. The future seems vague and no
hope in sight.
Until this personal desire of a better Africa is achieved; my heart
knows no profound Happiness; because someone is still sleeping without a
this recognition, it shows that my work is not in vein. I Thank God for giving me this talent that is inspiring others.
I also thank my fans all over the world who have been supporting me with
their prayers and love. Without you, all these achievement would not
have been possible. May God Bless you all''
The United nation millennium development goal Ambassador, came with a
customized vehicle plate number: MDG AMB 7K Ambassador, am international
identification card and an Honorary plaque.
igodye is now among other UN MDGs Ambassadors around the world working to actualize the objective of the United Nation.
Congratulations Igodye......your grass to grace story is a miracle that should be told over and over again.
#proudly delta and celebrating you!
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